Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I spent some time reflecting about life today and about how far God has brought me and what he's brought me through. Just thinking about God's plans for my life leave me in awe of Him.

When my mother carried me in her womb, there were many people trying to influence her to abort me. When she was pregnant with me, she pretty much carried the pregnancy alone and with little support. God's plan for my life is great, and the enemy wanted to take me out before I could even get started... I guess you don't need me to tell you if I were born or not because I'm here!

Below is a picture I drew representing birth, newness and LIFE. The poem below it is something I wrote, and it's actually a part of the picture, but I just typed it out instead.

they wanted me aborted
they tried to:
molest me
kidnap me
kill me
hate me
change me
neglect me
lie on me
beat me
use me
trap me
keep me from being... me
but they failed
I am here.


livingtheart said...

Dear Terri,

So I've spent the last half hour reading your posts and admiring your art. I decided to comment on this entry because, though simple, it is so powerfully touching. You are such a gift to my life and to this world. I thank God you are here. Though your blog title is "His Heart for My Journey," the words throughout really reveal and reflect your burning heart for God. And that's so beautiful. Thank you for letting me read and share in your world.

Keep writing! (Revelation 1:19)


Lynda said...

This is beautiful. I love the picture you drew.

Thanks for commenting on my blog by the way. I'm new to this and I'm lovin' it.
